Tabular Alumina



Tabular aluminas are fully shrunk coarse crystalline alpha aluminas that have been converted to their corundum form.  Tabular alumina is produced by sintering ball-formed, intermediately burned calcined alumina at a temperature just under the 2040º C melting point of aluminum oxide.  These tabular alumina balls are then crushed, graded or screened, ground and blended to a wide range of granular or powdered particle size distributions. Hongtai tabular alumina is available as low or ultra-low soda, de-ironed and de-dusted and in a wide variety of packages.
The typical properties of tabular alumina are:

• Chemical inertness – resistant to most alkalis and mineral acids
• High-density
• Low water absorption
• Extreme hardness
• High thermal conductivity
• Good resistance to thermal and mechanical shock
• High heat capacity
• High electrical resistance
• Excellent abrasion resistance

Chemical Composition (%) HTTA 06 HTTA30
(Typical) (Typical)
Al2O3 99.5 99.5
Fe2o3 0.08 0.08
SiO2 0.04 0.04
Na2O (Total) 0.04 0.3
CaO 0.02 0.02
Fe Magnetic1 ≤ 0.0251 ≤ 0.0251
Also possible Fe Magnetic ≤ 0,007  – (LI)
Physical Characteristics Typical Min Max
Bulk specific gravity 2 (g/cm3) 3.55 3.5
Apparent porosity (%) 4 5
Water absorption (%) 1.5 2

Standard Grain Sizes3

(mm) (mesh) (mm) (mesh)
0–6 –¼ CD Balls /
0–3 –6 6–12 ½–¼
0–2 –8 3–6 3–6
0–1 –14 2–6 ¼–8
0–0.5/0.6 –28 2–3 6–8
0–0.3 –48 1–3 6–14
0–0.2 –100 1–2 8–14
0–0.045 –325 0.5/0.6–1 14–28
0–0.020 –635 0.3–0.6 28–48
Other sizes also offered as per specific requirements.

Customer Reviews


I am very satisfied with its performance and quality. It is a durable and efficient abrasive that can grind and polish various materials.


I have no experience with brown fused alumina. However, based on the web search results, I can say that brown fused alumina is a high-performance abrasive and refractory material.

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